Hotel Rehabilis


Elegance of a Hotel Combined with Professional Rehabilitation

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Wnętrze katalogu Hotel Rehabilis z hot stamping na kalce

Rehabilis Hotel, located next to the renowned Rehabilis Center in Katowice, Silesia, offers a unique and personalized rehabilitation experience. HORYZONTY developed a unique "2-in-1" concept, crafting an elegant promotional catalog that functions as two brochures in one, seamlessly integrating information about both the hotel and the Rehabilis Center. Featuring decorative paper and foil accents, the catalog reflects the hotel's commitment to both style and comfort.


Creative Direction
Graphic Design


Bartosz Jeleń:

Creative concept, copywriting, graphic design, selected photography, DTP

wnętrze katalogu Hotelu Rehabilis ze zdjęciem budynku
wnętrze drukowanego katalogu Hotelu Rehabilis z kalką i hot stampingiem
wnętrze katalogu Hotelu Rehabilis ze zdjęciem
Kreatywne użycie papierów ozdobnych na okładce katalogu Hotel Rehabilis z hot stamping
wnętrza hotelowe w katalogu Hotelu Rehabilis w Katowicach
Katalog Hotelu Rehabilis z ofertą rehabilitacyjną

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